@InProceedings{prokopidis-papageorgiou:2017:UDW, author = {Prokopidis, Prokopis and Papageorgiou, Haris}, title = {Universal Dependencies for Greek}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2017 Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2017)}, month = {May}, year = {2017}, address = {Gothenburg, Sweden}, abstract = {This paper describes work towards the harmonization of the Greek Dependency Treebank with the Universal Dependencies v2 standard, and the extension of the treebank with enhanced dependencies. Experiments with the latest version of the UD_Greek resource have led to 88.94/87.66 LAS on gold/automatic POS, morphological features and lemmas. }, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, pages = {102--106}, URL = {}, }
@INPROCEEDINGS{prokopidis-papageorgiou:2014:SPMRL-SANCL, AUTHOR = {Prokopidis, Prokopis and Papageorgiou, Harris}, ABSTRACT = {This paper describes experiments for statistical dependency parsing using two different parsers trained on a recently extended dependency treebank for Greek, a language with a moderately rich morphology. We show how scores obtained by the two parsers are influenced by morphology and dependency types as well as sentence and arc length. The best LAS obtained in these experiments was 80.16 on a test set with manually validated POS tags and lemmas.}, ADDRESS = {Dublin, Ireland}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the First Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages and Syntactic Analysis of Non-Canonical Languages}, MONTH = {August}, PAGES = {89 --96}, TITLE = {{E}xperiments for {D}ependency {P}arsing of {G}reek}, URL = {}, YEAR = {2014} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{GDKPP_2007, AUTHOR = {Voula Ghotsoulia and Elina Desypri and Maria Koutsombogera and Prokopis Prokopidis and Haris Papageorgiou and George Markopoulos}, TITLE = {{Towards a frame semantics resource for Greek}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of The Sixth Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT 2007)}}, YEAR = {2007}, ADDRESS = {Bergen, Norway}, MONTH = {December}, ORGANIZATION = {University of Bergen}, KEY = {GDKPPM_2007} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{PDKPP_2006, AUTHOR = {Harris Papageorgiou and Elina Desipri and Maria Koutsombogera and Kanella Pouli and Prokopis Prokopidis}, TITLE = {{Adding multi-layer Semantics to the Greek Dependency Treebank}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Language and Evaluation (LREC-2006)}}, YEAR = {2006}, ADDRESS = {Genoa, Italy}, MONTH = {May}, ORGANIZATION = {ELRA}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper we give an overview of the approach adopted to add a layer of semantic information to the Greek Dependency Treebank [GDT]. Our ultimate goal is to come up with a large corpus, reliably annotated with rich semantic structures. To this end, a corpus has been compiled encompassing various data sources and domains. This collection has been preprocessed, annotated and validated on the basis of dependency representation. Taking into account multi-layered annotation schemes designed to provide deeper representations of structure and meaning, we describe the methodology followed as regards the semantic layer, we report on the annotation process and the problems faced and we conclude with comments on future work and exploitation of the resulting resource.}, KEY = {PDKPP_2006} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{PDKPP_2005, AUTHOR = {Prokopis Prokopidis and Elina Desypri and Maria Koutsombogera and Haris Papageorgiou and Stelios Piperidis}, TITLE = {{Theoretical and Practical Issues in the Construction of a Greek Dependency Treebank}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of The Fourth Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT 2005)}}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Montserrat Civit and Sandra Kubler and Ma. Antonia Marti}, PAGES = {149--160}, ADDRESS = {Barcelona, Spain}, MONTH = {December}, ORGANIZATION = {Universitat de Barcelona}, KEY = {PDKPP_2005} }
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